The Perils of Pornography

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


It may appear a companion that is always there when life gets you down or you are in need of relief from the day's stresses, yet it will prove to destroy you and eat you alive.

Pornography is very twisted.  If you stop and think about this (putting your sexual desire aside), you will see how destructive it really is.  The fact that we are in the room, so to speak, lustfully drooling over the sex acts taking place right in front of our eyes is disturbing on so many levels.

Now, I'm not saying viewing porn isn't enjoyable.  If it wasn't, we wouldn't waste our time with it.  Rather, the convicting truth I am hoping to convey is how wrong it is to waste our time with this filth.  It is the destroyer of relationships, tears families apart, breaks hearts, keeps one in bondage, distorts our view of what is appealing, gives us unrealistic expectations about sex and how our lover should perform, blinds us into believing we are desired (when really, the performer has no idea who we are and would most likely ignore us if they were to meet us in person), fills our heads with lies, separates us from God, causes us to lose the respect of others, makes our spouse or children weary about trusting us, leads to greater sins (hiring a prostitute, child molestation, rape, often frequenting strip clubs, introducing harmful and sickly degrading acts into our marriage that might shock and cause our spouse to feel totally disrespected and unclean), takes time away from what really matters in life, is a waste of money, and just like a dog who turns in circles chasing its tail, so we too are in an endless cycle of getting absolutely nowhere except for an obsession with sex (fake sex at that!  Porn is planned, rehearsed, and a total show) and an addiction to self-gratification.

Read the rest of this post here

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