Running To Porn...Again?

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Our thoughts matter.  Our physical health and mental well-being matter.  Our friend choices matter.  Our entertainment choices matter.  How we spend our time matters.  ...and guarding our hearts matters.

If we cannot overcome an addiction, the obvious step is to get rid of anything that paves the way for running back to what we are in bondage to.  It means being ruthless with our sins of choice and choosing, day by day, hour by hour, to fight them, to the death.

Viewing pornography is selfishness at its highest.  It is using other people for our own selfish gain, pleasure, fantasy, and gratification.  It blinds us to the fact that we are watching other people engage in sexual acts and yet don't realize how odd and quite honestly, how pathetic this is.

Read the rest of this post here

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