Escaping Addiction

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Purity often seems to elude our grasp and be just far enough away where it appears unattainable.

We may struggle with masturbation or viewing pornography, reading romance novels or watching R rated movies, or may have a group of friends that do not understand what it means to follow Christ and they often mock us for our commitment to Him which diminishes making strides toward lasting repentance.

If the saying is true, "You will never influence the world by being like it" and "Sin thrives in secret", one might rightly assume that what we do behind closed doors, in secrecy, without accountability or fellowship and community with likeminded believers, will result in nothing more than a halfhearted commitment to God with our sins of choice at the center; having the desire to please self instead of exalting God through the pursuit of a holy life.

Read the rest of this post here

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