Sexual Addiction

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Why can it be difficult to overcome the temptations we always end up falling into?

It can be very difficult to overcome sexual temptation when we do not cut off from the very root the sources that feed our sins of choice.

We are far too often guilty of dwelling on perversity which stirs up desire in our hearts, then we feel emotion and may play out our fantasies through viewing pornography and engaging in masturbation.  If we control what we put into our minds, it will prevent our thoughts from bearing fruit in outward actions.

There are many temptations around each of us on a day to day basis and the temptations will never go away.  Pornography and sexual references and behavior are becoming increasingly rampant in today's society through music videos, movies, song lyrics, and television shows.  Even children's animated films hint at perversity.  So what are we to do?  Lock ourselves at home without the internet or access to TV?  No.  We are to examine our hearts and ponder what forms of entertainment we know will cause us to stumble and fantasize (which makes way for pornography and/or masturbation) and we are to choose integrity over the momentary pleasure we receive from viewing that which is unclean and raunchy.

Read the rest of this post here

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